Friday, March 23, 2012

It feels good to say "I'm a fitness model and competitor" but the truth is, I dont think other people like to hear it often. People are going to talk...

This blog is adapted from one I had written on a previous blog but I thought today would be a good day to bring it up since co-workers have pointed out that my facebook posts and/or fitness comments have become a little.....i think annoying would be the word they used. So I wanted to share why I LOVE talking about my lifestyle and fitness:

My decision to compete and model  came very sudden and spur of the moment. My passion and enthusiasm for the fitness world seemed to come even quicker and it would appear that I turned in to a fitness guru overnight. Well truth be told- I DID!! The more and more I looked in to clean eating and weight training, the more and more hooked I became. I researched fitness model tips, recipes, transformation stories, competition videos, diets, supplements, bikini teams, etc… the list goes on and on. I could, and did, stay on the internet for hours admiring physiques of the athletes I admire and finding out what helped them get results! As I gained each new piece of information and as my motivation ripped at the seams with each passing photo, I wanted to share the information with my friends, family, and other girls who have similar aspirations. I am telling this background story for a reason- because as I began to transform my lifestyle in to one more positive and healthy, people who were accustomed with my old lifestyle were very confused with the sudden change. My priorities shifted a bit and how I spent my free time drastically changed. Working 12 hour shifts leaves little time for taking care of day to day business, let alone socializing and training. Suddenly the “new me” was working a ton, spending long hours in the gym, flooding everyones’ facebook newsfeeds with fitness information , and passing offers on nights out and drinking. Temptation is a very slippery slope for me. In order to avoid it, I almost have to remove myself from certain situations. With that being said, it looks as if I am distant to friends who are used to my usual free time. The radical change in my lifestyle is quote, “so weird”. I understand this, I truly do. I have felt the same feeling about other friends of mine who have made “extreme” changes in their lives. But dear friends, do know that this is something very, very positive for me. If you are a very good friend of mine and know my past medical issues then you know even more so how important and amazing it is for me to feel this healthy and full of life. Luckily, I am learning to balance! Workouts early am before work, evening for friends and socializing! Of course sometimes I am tired when I am working many shifts in a row, but I am learning how important it is to help your family, friends, coworkers understand your dreams and goals so that they can support you.

I think its so important to keep your life and the people in it positive and encouraging. Don’t let the negative stuff bring you down! It's really hard to be happy when the people most important in your life dont support your dreams, especialy if it makes them resent you. I have talked to many fitness competitors and models who have gone through similar situations and its nice to know that I am not the only “weird one”. Fitness and nutrition has become a true passion of mine- I am so happy with the changes in my attitude, my body, and my overall well-being! I am very proud of myself! Thank you so, so much for all of the support and encouragement! I really am so joyful and blessed to have amazing people in my life who push me to reach my goals and dream! Your sweet and motivating messages keep me going! Life is too short to be anything but happy!
“In seeking happiness for others, you find it for yourself.” –Unknown

This made me laugh so hard, I love Paul Buceta:

Also, I am starting over Elizabeth George's "A Woman After God's Own Heart: A Daily Devotional" I recommend this book and devotional to Christian women who follow my blog (again I dont discriminate but I like everyone to know my relationship with the Lord is my priority) I love that today's message mentions Philippians 3:13, "Press on toward the goal" So with that I will end my blogs with the days devotional prayer:

Lord, help me look to You when my day is going well... and when my day is looking bleak. I want to serve You and honor You in everything I do. Amen.
