Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Progress Pics lead to just that... Progress!

People often ask me what inspires me and keeps me motivated. There are many
ways that I can answer that question but I really want to emphasize the importance
of progress pics.

When you are beginning a lifestyle change or new fitness regimen, take “before
pictures”. Keep them personal but really take a look at yourself and the areas you
want to focus on. When I saw my before pictures I was like, “Oh NO, its time to hit
the gym.” It didn’t bring down my self-esteem because we all have different bodies
and different goals, but it did redirect my focus!

Every Sunday I take progress pictures, and even if the scale isnt budging, I can see
the transformation my body is making. When you can actually VISUALIZE that
your hard work is paying off, it makes you want to work even harder and have
even better progress. Setting a weekly day for progress pictures will help hold you
accountable! Another idea is to start a blog and post the progress pictures. Set it to
private until you are ready to show the world your amazing transformation! It is
really exciting to know that the positive changes you are seeing in yourself may one
day motivate another person to make a positive change as well.

So don’t be shy and get ready to strut your stuff for your camera. Keep your
pictures personal unless you are sharing your journey. Take pictures in a bikini or
shorts and tank top from the front, sides, and back. Do not get discouraged in the
beginning. This is not a practice that is meant for you to find your flaws and focus on
them, it’s a practice that meant to help you find focus and motivation in fitness and
health. Just be proud that you are making a change and be proud to be YOU! (but its
ok to get really, really excited for the new fit, sassy YOU as well!) ;)

Don’t forget to incorporate all of our yummy OhYeah! Products on your journey!
They have definitely helped me maintain a lean physique!

Christy LeAnn